Can Baby Sleep in Stroller Bassinet: A Parent’s Guide

A stroller bassinet is a convenient accessory for parents who want to take their newborns out for a stroll. It allows the baby to lie flat and comfortably while being pushed around. But can a baby sleep in a stroller bassinet? Is it safe for them to nap or spend the night in it?

The answer is not so simple. While some stroller bassinets are designed to be safe for overnight sleep, others are not. It depends on the quality, features, and safety standards of the product. In this article, we will explain what a stroller bassinet is, its benefits and risks, how to choose a safe one, and how to use it properly.

What is a Stroller Bassinet?

A stroller bassinet is simply a stroller frame with wheels that has a removable bassinet attached to it in place of the conventional seat. It has been specially designed to carry a newborn or baby in a lying-down position. A stroller bassinet usually has a soft padded mattress, a fabric cover, a canopy, and sometimes a harness or strap to secure the baby.

Stroller bassinets are different from regular bassinets, which are standalone beds for babies that can be placed on the floor or on a stand. They are also different from travel systems, which are strollers that can accommodate an infant car seat. Stroller bassinets are meant to provide a more comfortable and natural sleeping position for babies than car seats, which are inclined and may restrict their breathing.

What are the Benefits of Stroller Bassinets?

Stroller bassinets have several advantages for both parents and babies. Some of them are:

•  They allow parents to take their newborns out for fresh air and sunshine without disturbing their sleep.

•  They provide a cosy and familiar sleeping environment for babies, especially when travelling or visiting relatives or friends.

•  They can help prevent the flat head syndrome, which is caused by prolonged pressure on one part of the baby’s skull due to sleeping on their back.

•  They can reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), which is more likely to occur when babies sleep on soft surfaces or with loose bedding.

•  They can save space and money by serving as both a stroller and a bassinet.

What are the risks of Stroller Bassinets?

Stroller bassinets are not without risks, however. Some of them are:

•  They may not meet the safety standards or certifications required for cribs or bassinets, which are more stringent than those for strollers.

•  They may not have adequate ventilation or sun protection, which can cause overheating or sunburn for the baby.

•  They may not have a firm and flat mattress, which can pose a suffocation or strangulation hazard for the baby.

•  They may not have a harness or canopy, which can allow the baby to fall out or be exposed to insects or animals.

•  They may not be compatible with all strollers, which can cause instability or detachment.

How to Choose a Safe Stroller Bassinet?

If you decide to buy a stroller bassinet for your baby, you must be careful about choosing a safe and quality product. Here are some tips on how to do that:

Safety Standards and Certifications

The first thing you need to check is whether the stroller bassinet meets the safety standards and certifications required for cribs or bassinets in your country. For example, in the US, you should look for products that comply with the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) regulations or have been certified by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA). In the UK, you should look for products that comply with the British Standards Institution (BSI) regulation.

Features to Look for in a Stroller Bassinet

Besides the safety standards and certifications, you should also look for some features that can make the stroller bassinet more comfortable and secure for your baby. Some of them are:

Firm and Flat Mattress

The mattress of the stroller bassinet should be firm and flat, not soft or angled. This can help prevent suffocation, strangulation, or flat head syndrome. The mattress should also fit snugly in the bassinet, leaving no gaps or spaces where the baby could get trapped.

Breathable and Washable Fabric

The fabric of the stroller bassinet should be breathable and washable, not synthetic or waterproof. This can help prevent overheating, sweating, or skin irritation. The fabric should also be free of harmful chemicals or substances that could affect the baby’s health.

Ventilation and Sun Protection

The stroller bassinet should have adequate ventilation and sun protection not too enclosed or exposed. This can help regulate the temperature and prevent overheating or sunburn. The stroller bassinet should have mesh windows or panels that allow air circulation and visibility. It should also have a canopy or hood that can block the sun’s rays and insects.

Harness and Canopy

The stroller bassinet should have a harness and a canopy, not be too loose or open. This can help secure the baby and prevent them from falling out or being injured. The harness should be adjustable and fit snugly around the baby’s chest and waist. The canopy should be sturdy and cover the entire bassinet.

Easy Attachment and Detachment

The stroller bassinet should have an easy attachment and detachment mechanism not be too complicated or unstable. This can help avoid accidents or injuries when transferring the baby from the stroller to the bassinet or vice versa. The stroller bassinet should have a click-in or snap-on system that locks securely to the stroller frame. It should also have a handle or grip that allows you to lift it easily.

How to Use a Stroller Bassinet Safely?

Once you have chosen a safe stroller bassinet for your baby, you need to follow some guidelines on how to use it properly. Here are some tips on how to do that:

Follow the Manufacturer’s Instructions

The most important thing you need to do is to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to assemble, use, and maintain the stroller bassinet. You should read the manual carefully and follow all the steps and warnings. You should also register your product with the manufacturer to receive updates, recalls, or safety alerts.

Check the Weight and Age Limits

Check the weight and age limits of the stroller bassinet before putting your baby in it. You should not use it if your baby exceeds the maximum weight or age recommended by the manufacturer. You should also not use it if your baby can sit up, roll over, or crawl out of it.

Place Your Baby on Their Back

You need to place your baby on their back for every sleep in the stroller bassinet, not on their side or stomach. This can reduce the risk of SIDS and suffocation. You should also avoid swaddling your baby too tightly or using blankets, pillows, bumper pads, or soft toys in the stroller bassinet.

Keep the Bassinet Clear of Soft Objects

You need to keep the bassinet clear of soft objects that could obstruct your baby’s breathing or cause overheating. You should not place anything in or around the stroller bassinet, such as blankets, pillows, bumper pads, soft toys, bags, coats, or umbrellas.

Monitor Your Baby Regularly

Monitor your baby regularly when sleeping in the stroller bassinet, not leaving them unattended or out of sight. You should check on them every 15 minutes and ensure they are breathing normally and comfortably. You should also avoid moving or shaking the stroller too much when your baby sleeps in it.


A stroller bassinet can be a valuable accessory for parents who want to take their newborns out for a stroll without disturbing their sleep. Can a baby sleep in a stroller bassinet? However, not all stroller bassinets are safe for overnight sleep or even naps. It depends on the quality, features, and safety standards of the product.

To choose a safe stroller bassinet for your baby, you need to look for products that meet the safety standards. Check the required certifications for cribs or bassinets in your country. Look for features that can make the stroller bassinet more comfortable and secure for your baby, such as a firm and flat mattress, a breathable and washable fabric, a ventilation and sun protection system, a harness and canopy system, and an easy attachment and detachment system.

To use a stroller bassinet safely for your baby, you need to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to assemble, use, and maintain the stroller bassinet. You also need to follow some guidelines on how to place your baby in the stroller bassinet, such as putting them on their back, keeping the bassinet clear of soft objects, and monitoring them regularly.

A stroller bassinet can be a great option for parents who want to enjoy the outdoors with their newborns, but it should not replace a crib or a bassinet for regular or overnight sleep. You should always consult your paediatrician before using a stroller bassinet for your baby, and make sure you choose and use it wisely.

FAQs about whether your baby can sleep in a stroller bassinet:

Here are some questions about stroller bassinets:

Q: Can I use a regular bassinet on a stroller?

A: No, you should not use a regular bassinet on a stroller. The design of a regular is not suitable for a stroller frame and may not be stable or secure. It may also not have the features that make a stroller bassinet safe and comfortable for your baby, such as a harness, a canopy, or a ventilation system.

Q: How long can I use a stroller bassinet for my baby?

A: It depends on the weight and age limits of the stroller bassinet. You should check the manufacturer’s recommendations and stop using the stroller bassinet when your baby exceeds the maximum weight or age. You should also stop using it when your baby can sit up, roll over, or crawl out of it.

Q: Can I leave my baby sleeping in the stroller bassinet when I go inside?

A: No, you should not leave your baby sleeping in the stroller bassinet when you go inside. You should always keep your baby within your sight and reach when they are sleeping in the stroller bassinet. You should also avoid leaving them in direct sunlight or extreme temperatures.

Q: Can I use my newborn’s car seat instead of a stroller bassinet?

A: No, you should not use a car seat instead of a stroller bassinet for your newborn. A car seat is not meant to be used as a sleeping place for babies and may restrict their breathing or cause neck strain. A car seat should only be used for travelling in a vehicle and for short periods of time.

Q: What are some of the best brands or models of stroller bassinets?

A: There are many brands and models of stroller bassinets available in the market, but some of the most popular and reputable ones are:

•  UPPAbaby Vista V2 Stroller with Bassinet: This versatile and stylish stroller comes with a removable bassinet. An approved for overnight sleep. It has a large canopy with UPF 50+ sun protection, an extendable ventilated panel, and an insect net. It also has a perforated mattress pad and vented base that allow air circulation.

•  Bugaboo Fox 2 Complete Stroller with Bassinet: This is a sleek and lightweight stroller that comes with a detachable bassinet that is suitable for naps. It has a large sun canopy with a peek-a-boo window, an aerated mattress, and an extra layer of breathable fabric. It also has an ergonomic handlebar and advanced suspension system.

•  Baby Jogger City Mini 2 Stroller with Bassinet: This compact stroller includes an attachable bassinet, perfect for short trips. It has a UV 50+ canopy with magnetic peek-a-boo windows, a quilted interior, and a foot cover. It also has an adjustable handlebar and all-wheel suspension.

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